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How to Immigrate to Canada from Lebanon

Immigration to Canada for Lebanese offers over 100 ways to get around. Almost 1,800 Lebanese citizens have already chosen to immigrate to Canada over the past five years. With between 200,000 and 400,000 people from Lebanon, it’s no wonder why.

The main reason newcomers choose Canada as their destination is because it is a safe and welcoming environment to raise a family that has a phenomenal school and a free health care system for all permanent residents. and citizens, as well as well-paying jobs. and a Liberal government that not only takes care of its people but reaches out in these uncertain times. There is no doubt that Canada is a great place to move in with your family.

But with over 100 ways to move to Canada, how can you be sure you’ve chosen the best immigration option for you? Let’s take a look at some of the best options for Canadian immigration from Lebanon.

How Can I Apply for Canada Immigration from Lebanon

1. Take the Fast-tracked Path: Express Entry System

The Express Entry system is a popular way to immigrate to Canada mainly because it’s both fast and easy to access online. The average express entry visa application processing time is as little as 6 months. You will be ranked according to the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) according to your age, language ability, skills, education, a job offer (if you have one), and ability to settle in Canada.

Thousands of skilled workers are invited to apply (ITA) for permanent residence every 2 weeks through Canada’s Express Entry draws!Advertisements

There are three main programs that you can apply through are:

There are, however, two of these programs that have been issuing tremendous amounts of ITAs lately: The Canada Experience Class and Express Entry-linked Provincial Nominee Programs.

2. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP): Express Entry-Linked Canada Immigration Programs

Most people don’t know that almost all Canadian provinces have an Express Entry Provincial Nominee Program – 11 to be exact. What makes these Canadian immigration programs so good is that they can increase your chances of receiving an ITA. By expressing your interest in a particular province where your skills and experience are in demand, you increase your chances of receiving a Provincial Nomination (NP) to apply for permanent residence. Why is this so important? A PN is worth an incredible 600 Permanent Residence (PR) or Comprehensive Classification System (CRS) points, giving you the best chance of success with your Canada visa application.

For example, in the last Express Entry-related giveaway, the number of PR points required was 771, meaning that with a PN (which is worth 600 points) you would only need 171 points to qualify for an ITA. Find out how easy it is to improve your CRS score and earn the extra points you need to succeed.

3. Work in Atlantic Canada: Atlantic Immigration Pilot

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP) is a great way to apply to immigrate to Canada if you are from Lebanon. All you will need is a job offer from a designated employer in one of the following Atlantic Canadian Provinces: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland & Labrador. The AIP has also recently updated its visa application process. By updating their online portal, you can now apply for a Canada work permit online, which means that the application processing times have been reduced to as little as 6 months!

Top Jobs in Atlantic Canada

Below are some of the in-demand jobs in Atlantic Canada:

In-demand Jobs in Atlantic Canada
Registered & Licensed Nursing Assistants
Senior managers(in all areas eg. finance, trade, engineering, healthcare, tourism and food service industries)
Home support workers
Graphic Designers
Sales executives
Food & Beverage Servers
Security guards
Contact centre agent
Delivery Workers
Material handlers
Long Haul Truck Drivers
General Farm Workers
Industrial Butchers
Fish and seafood plant workers

4. Post Graduate Work Program: Why You Should Study in Canada

The graduate program is designed to help students who have studied at a designated educational institution to stay in Canada and gain sufficient work experience in Canada so that they can apply for permanent residence in one of Canada’s many immigration programs, such as the Canadian experience. . The most important thing to consider when choosing to study in Canada is also to choose your college or university carefully, as well as to consider the length of your program. There are over 300 DLIs to choose from and we recommend that you choose a program or course with a minimum duration of 8 months to 1 year. If you are eligible to apply for the PTPD permit, it will be valid for the same duration as your study program and to apply for permanent residence through the CEC you will need at least 1 year of work experience in Canada to be eligible.

5. The Road to Permanent Residency: Temporary Foreign Work

Now, this may seem a little odd but it’s important to not rule out temporary jobs for foreigners when thinking about Canadian immigration programs. The reality is that immigration is competitive and not everyone will be able to meet the requirements to get permanent residence right away. The good news is that if you are an experienced worker and are willing to work in Canada on a temporary work permit, you’ll find a number of doors that could open for you in as little as 6 months to a year!

By taking a temporary job in Canada you will not only be able to get to Canada quicker but it will also give you the opportunity to test the waters and see which places in Canada are best for you and your family. The International Mobility Program has an average processing time of about 18 weeks and will allow your employer to hire you without a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) which usually requires them to post the job locally for about 3 months first before approaching international applicants. You will also be able to gain the work experience that you need to apply to immigrate to Canada permanently through provincial programs such as the Saskatchewan Experience Streams: for experienced workers, in industries such as healthcare, hospitality, and transportation, allowing you to apply for permanent residence after just six months of working in Canada.

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